
We create Self-service payment solutions for nonstop service (24/7). They can be fitted with certified safes, security locks, and other types of security. This is also a prerequisite for places where it is not payable at night to pay for an operator (for example a petrol station) or where it is undesirable for workers to come in contact with cash.

The heart of our self-service solutions is our payment software. This enables customers to pay quickly and easily, whilst providing key functions for the maintenance and cash-in-transit providers to service the solutions in a secure, efficient and safe manner.

Scroll down this page for more information about our Self Service Products or get in contact with our sales department.

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The LincstationCD

The LincstationCD is a fully automatic Self Service coin deposit machine, developed in-house, where the customer can deposit euro coins.

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The LincstationCI

The LincstationCI is a fully automatic Self Service coinroll dispenser machine developed in-house

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The Money Changer

Changes banknotes to 3 types of coins and / or tokens. Checkout by Contactless communication NFC, via smartphone or bank card

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The LincstationPLUS

The PLUS is a Selfservice Payment Terminal and a alternative banknote and coin terminal designed to be placed beside the card-only self-checkout device for cash payments

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